
Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday through Cyber Monday Sale AND Giveaway

Hello there! We attempted the "black friday" ordeal - but we didn't get anything on our list. Walmart only had 2 of the laptops they had advertised, and the lines for Target went ALL the way around the store.... I'm brave... but I don't like the cold, lol. I slept in a little this morning, but I'm finally here letting you know about the black friday through cyber monday sale and giveaway.

For the black friday - cyber monday sale, I have full sets of tags on the top, and then below are tags in set of 6 so you can mix and match anything that you would like! and sets still only are $2.00 for a dozen! Woot Woot! 

Picture  Picture

For the giveaway, the prize is two sets of Santa tags..... 

Happy Shopping and I hope you get all your good deals EVERYWHERE!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh you were a brave lady attempting the Black Friday Sales. Ive heard a lot about them. But Im a bit like yourself, I dont like the cold one bit. So I think I would have send my hubby out to the sales instead, lol. Lee xx


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