
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weekly Roundup and Pinterest Loving Ideas

Good Sunday Morning! It's that wonderful time again... Sunday! Time for  coupons, freebies and of course pinterest love! 
Here's this weeks coupons... 

Joann will have the coupons sent to your phone.... However, I personally dislike cell phones and do not own one. However, it seems more and more that I really need to get one. I do technically have one. It's been dead on the bottom of my purse since the last time I switched purses, lol. I'm a SAHM and work from home for my website and etsy shop, so really, if you can't reach me at home, I'm probably with you, lol.

And now the awesome ideas that I have discovered and been inspired by on Pinterest..... 
Pinned Image What an adorable Christmas Mini Album! 
 Pinned Image Pretty bows from DCWV

Pinned ImageI REALLY REALLY REALLY Love this! Great christmas gift! You can even get the tea lights at the dollar store and really dress them up for a sweet gift!
Click here to see her site. Here's the LINK LINK LINK To her template.

And just for fun... Pinned Image

Pinned Image Free printable mini file folders

Pinned Image I think these cards are sweet & a great way to use your paper scraps! 

Pinned Image Free Printable! Cute to frame.... 

Pinned Image How to make adorable bows!

Pinned Image       Pinned Image

Pinned Image

Pinned Image Free printables

Pinned Image Free printable

Pinned ImagePinned Image
Okay girls! There's a few things to keep you (and me) busy this week! XOXOXO


  1. I found you through ISharePrintables and your blog is such a fun place! I have an Etsy shop, too, and wondered how you engineered this tab with items from your shop?

    Do you have a tutorial you can share?


  2. In my opinion Art shouldn't be "businessy" it should be "artsy" . Hope this helps with your decision about your page.Your very talented.


Thanks so much for your comments! I appreciate each and every one :)