
Thursday, February 9, 2012

{Free♥} Facebook Timeline Cover Photos, Shabby Chic with a Pretty Bird Cage

These timelines will fit perfectly.... and since facebook is going to be making ALL of us have one shortly (eventually rather) we might as well start planning to have a cute cover photo! :) 

I really liked the first one that I made and decided to play around with the coloring.... Therefor there are several different options for you.... This is the first one that I made. The rest are variations.... There are 11.

This one really focuses more on the pinks and rose colors

I wouldn't be me if I didn't have a teal colored one :D 

This one is all about the focal only on the pinks.... Love the way the color stands out....

This one is the same concept as above but with a little bit more.... I also have the corner frame to the left stand out which will really make that corner photo look awesome :) 

Focusing on the teals and blues.... 

This one is a little more muted than the original.... 

I love the greens and purples on this one! 

And this one is done with purples.... 

Besides teal and brown together, I really love pink and brown together... 

"Old Time" Looking.... 

And another version.... 

And then this one is done in just black and white which would work for a template if you'd like to add your own touches of color here and there. Or to only have the cover center photo in color to stand out more..... 


  1. Love these and of course the red pink combo
    I so need to learn how to add a picture behind this it is on my face book timeline to begin now

  2. I am using already using one of your earlier creations, but I think I see a change coming real soon! Beautiful.

  3. So, how can we put a picture behind these darlings for our FB timeline? HELP!


Thanks so much for your comments! I appreciate each and every one :)