
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Free Printable "Remember" Journal Cards

Here are some free printable journal cards.... They measure 3 inches by 4 inches... I've made a variety of colors....

I hope you enjoy! XOXO


  1. How cute! I leave little notes in my daughter's car ...sometimes taped to the dash. These will be perfect for my 'huggy' notes to her. I still can't get used to her driving off in the car by herself! lol
    shawn <3

  2. I love these journal notes! Of course I love journal notes of all kinds... period... and you have the best ones to be found anywhere! I've got to pin this post so all my friends can come here and get them for themselves. Thank you soooo much.

  3. These are awesome! Any way that you could make a .png of them so we could use them on the Silhouette?

  4. Thanks girls... And I just emailed you Jennifer with a png version :)


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