
Friday, August 5, 2011

Freebie Friday - TONS of goodies! :)

It's freebie friday!!!! I have alot to do today, so I wanted to share these first! There are quite a few freebies here for you to use! Especially with those amazing Smash Books! ;) I am so going to be making my own! And why not have a few things all ready to use with it! I am making mine out of a composition notebook though! I will be doing a tutorial for that though as soon as I get a new camera. My LCD screen on my camera is shot, and therefor I am taking my pictures blindly while crossing my fingers! LOL! But I am having a slightly hard time choosing my camera. I was thinking about getting the Nikon D3000, but then I saw a thing on etsy that some lady did where she compared 3 cameras, and believe it or not, the $250 Fuji camera took BETTER pictures than the $500 Nikon D3000. So yes, I can save $250 bucks, but I am happy. I am only curious if I can add a lens to it. Anywho, enough of my rambling.... here are the freebies! XOXO - Remember to click to download! Right click and choose {save as}

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Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!! 


Thanks so much for your comments! I appreciate each and every one :)