
Saturday, May 12, 2012

DIY Goodie Bags

Well tonight, I was looking through pinterest and I saw this goodie bag where you emboss them. Very cute. However, I only had lunch sized bags and it wasn't working with my sizzix. So I decided I would improvise. I already had everything out. Well, here's my little photo tutorial on it all..... I hope you like and I'm sure you'll come up with your own style and twist as well.....

First I got out my embossing folders....

Then I got together my paper bags.... 

Then I folded the bottom flap down so they touched eachother so I can cut JUST the bottoms.... 

This is how I cut.... 

So then I am left with this to cut off....

So Now I have two.... 

So now we are going to take one of them..... 

Now choose your tape.... 

And now just tape the bottom of your bag... 

Then fold it up to the other side.... 

Then trim the edges.... 

Then I took my scalloped punch for detail... 

So it now looks like this... 

I then place this in my embossing folder.... 

Then I put it in my Sizzix... and now I have this.... 

Like I said, I'm sure you'll be able to put your own twist on this also and I hope you do! 
Hope you are having a great weekend! And Happy Mother's Day to you Mommies of ALL ages!!!! 


1 comment:

  1. awesome idea! I love your blog and all the ideas you so freely share with us less talented! :D
    Beth P


Thanks so much for your comments! I appreciate each and every one :)