
Friday, May 18, 2012

Little Man's Spelling Bee (and Free Tags too)

Well, what a busy Friday we had!!!! But first, yesterday, my son had his first spelling bee.... He did really good, but like his Mama, he choked at the end when the pressure was on :) I only have a few pictures because I was so afraid that if I took pictures while he was up there, that he would stumble.... So here's my little man... I'm so proud :D

He's my little Mama's Boy XOXO - He'll make a good hubby one day!! He's my little cuddle bug, gives me the last cookie and makes me laugh like noone else has.... My whole world revolves around him... 

And here's tonight freebie... 

Click on image to open in a new window... Then right click and choose "save as" - To come back to me, simply hit the "back" button :D

Off to bed... Kids have me all tuckered out tonight....But I love it! They're only little once! 


  1. Aww what a sweetie
    Nothing like our baby boys is there?
    Thanks for sharing sweetie

  2. He's adorable. Of course you're proud of him. Thanks for sharing him with us. Thanks as well for the latest freebies. You're very generous. ~ Abby

  3. What a QTPie~ Handsome smile! My dd won her 6th grade spelling bee, then competed at the District level, then made it to County. Fun memory :)
    Have a great weekend~


Thanks so much for your comments! I appreciate each and every one :)