
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I guess Pinterest is getting a new look....

Okay, I have to admit it, I am a creature of habit. I have a hard time with change. I have turned into the person that I swore at 19 I would never be.... I'm only 32 and I'm already in love with routine. Maybe it's because I'm a Mom.... I don't know, but none the less, change disrupts me sometimes! LOL. 

WELL, Pinterest is changing their look. I decided I would take a peek with the "preview" button they have. I then made sure I could switch back if I had to.... Yes, a symptom of being a creature of habit :)

So this is a quick overview of what I noticed that was immediately different.... I am missing
some other minor details, but I couldn't get a screen shot of it because when I went to hit the snipping tool button, the drop down box menu would go away! LOL

So I went and looked at the topic DIY and Crafts. This is the new look.... 

The first thing I noticed was that the pin pictures were MUCH larger! 

And when you hover over a picture this is what you see in the upper left corner...

Then when you go to repin, the look is different too.... 

Another thing that I did like, was I thought the boards were really nice... 
There's an easy way on the upper left to create a new board and I like the way the other boards look. And you can still change the cover photo and reposition it too! I thought that was neat. 

And this is what it looks like when you go to change your cover.... 

SO I picked my bunnies and I repositioned the photo of the tags so it sits nicely in the box... 

And another thing I liked is that you can "see your pin" without actually going to a new page... 

if you want to try it, on the left you will see a "Preview Button" click on it... 

And if you decide you don't like it, you can always switch back.... 
On the top right, under your name is a drop down menu...
Hover over it, let it drop down and then click on "Switch to the Old Look"

Have you tried it yet? What do you think? NO NASTY comments! HAHAHHAHA... 



  1. I loathe that there are ads on Pinterest pages. It was too good to be true. I'm learning to ignore them.

  2. I too am a creature of habit but I don't mind the new look of pinterest. The thing I like the best is, after you pin something, if you choose to view your pin immediately after you pin it, you can see a whole long list of everyone who has pinned your pin. Whearas before they would only show you one person who had pinned it. It gives you ideas of who you might want to start following based on shared interests. As for ads, I am bilssfully ignorant because I use the free program called adblock which is now available for pretty much every browser. I love adblock!
    And now that I'm in my 30s, I am also noticing I'm becoming more like my mother. Which isn't such a bad thing, cause my mom's pretty awesome. Every heard the saying "The older I get, the wiser my parents become?" "P

  3. I have a problem with the new... as it is when I am on pinterest I like to right click and open a pin I am interested in in a new tab so that I can open several at once and then take my time going to each site. I like to pin from the original post when possible... it just makes me happy when I do when I tried out the new pinterest I was not able to do that... not sure if I like that or not...

  4. Got an email today but have not peeked. Thnx for sharing!

  5. Awesome, I am such a visual person, that's why I love pinterest. Thanks so much for this wonderful tutorial with circles, arrows and more. I'll share a link to this on my blog in the near future. Thanks so much. ~ Abby

  6. I tried it and noticed many of the same things you did- BUT one thing that I had a huge issue with was, when you clicked on the link under a picture of a card, it no longer takes you back to the blog post of the card or atleast the blog itself (if not properly pinned the first time), but takes you to the Pinterest board it came from. That is not good at all! It may lead me to some nice pinterest boards,but I want to go the blogpost to see how the card was made, stamp credits, etc. I tried it over and over, then went back to the old look. Did you have this issue or notice this problem? I did go on the Pinterest site and shared my concerns.


Thanks so much for your comments! I appreciate each and every one :)