
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Enjoy The Little Things Dollar Download in my etsy shop!

New dollar download in my shop this morning! 
We recently just got a rescue and I have a 10 week old puppy already. 
When my husband left for work at 2:30am (he's a farmer) the pups decided to play, chew, growl, choke on whatever they were trying to chew and I realized I was not going back to sleep.
So I put on a fresh pot of coffee and started creating! :) Which I love to do! 

And if you're curious about the little stinker that kept me up because of her chewing and gagging (I was trying to sleep, and she got ahold of an old charger wire).... This would be her.... 



  1. Awww little stinker. Izzy looks like she is a shepherd? You are brave to take on a puppy this time of year! Talk to us when Christmas is over :) love the tags, thank you very much and a Merry Christmas to you and yours and best of everything in the New Year!

  2. wow, it is looking really nice & amazing. I really liked your design and innovation..!!
    Outdoor Posters Printing


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