I am Rockin' And Rollin' Today on the TO DO list! Woot Woot! AND I got a roast in the oven. I am really proud of myself today, lol. Usually by this time I'm frazzled. I like to do everything and get stressed when I can't. lol. I know I am not the only Mom like that. I've calmed down quite a bit. I think it's just my creative soul. I'm always thinking about what to do next. I'd take a few more hours a day please :D Well today I got some free vintage images and digi stamps. I hope you find some that you can use :)
Here is an old image of a sweet family playing music together.
A sweet ad for an opera. I can't translate this, but it's definitely unique and artistic none the less. I love the little babies sleeping below and all her pearls too!
Here's a neat little ad. I like the life preserver.... I took out the lady in the middle in case you'd like to have the center all for yourself :)
Here is an old photo, and it has the photographers information as well with it. I like the design with the frame and made the center the same shade of cream all the way, so you can print and use as a frame, journaling card, etc.

Here is the frame

Here is the old photo

Here's a lady with a gorgeous hat.... I love how it's just the bust.
I also created her in some fun colors! We have teal, pink, black + white, sepia, brown and purple.
Then here is an old stamp. I'm going to take a leap and guess that it's from Brazil/Brasil :D I just HAD to create this in some fun colors as well :D
Two shades of pink stamps. One light pink and one dark pink....
And then here's a teal stamp and an orange stamp
Then we have the sepia stamp and more of a royal blue stamp
Bright green stamp and burgundy stamp...
Okay girls! That's it for today. I am way too proud of myself to fall of my to do list today :D
Hope you found a few you can use and have a wonderful friday night (and weekend!)